Monday 28 September 2020 / London, UK



With the new normal of wearing face masks during this pandemic, it has come with this new form of acne called Maskne caused by the tugging and rubbing of mask coverings. And I know a lot of people like myself can agree that it has just been such a pain trying to figure what to use to combat these breakouts. I have tried to incorporate these new simple tips in keeping those breakouts at bay and wanted to share them with you; So here they are; 

1. Making sure firstly you are using disposal mask that you can throw away to avoid bacteria harboring on your skin. Also using a mask which is made out of cloth as they are breathable and will allow air to circulate, these are also good because you can wash them and reuse them.

2. Washing your mask if it's washable, using non-bio laundry detergent. 

3. Make sure to cleanse your skin twice a day as this will help to kill bacteria and clean your pores. Particularly with a cleanser that contains salicylic acid as the salicylic acid will kill bacteria and help with the build-up of dirt and oils.

4. Use an astringent that will help keep your pores purified and help with neutralizing the PH of your skin which will result in a reduction of oil production. 

5. Ladies and Gents this one is for you to avoid wearing heavy makeup with masks on if you can try this will help your pores to breathe and not cause a build-up of trapped oils and prevent more breakouts from developing. 

Have you experienced Maskne ? Share with me if you have, I hope these tips help 


Tabeth Giselle 

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